[Maya-Python] Pyside2 gui calls crashing Maya (MacOS)
James Porter
2018-09-01 22:06:22 UTC
Hey guys,

I’m running the latest Maya 2018 on MacOS.

I can import PySide2 it’s libraries without any hassle. However, whenever I
attempt to load a basic gui (like the code below), Maya freezes and
crashes. Anyone else experienced this? Anyone know how to fix it?



Basic code (I took this from

import maya.cmds as cmds
import maya.mel as mel
import pymel.core as pm
class className():
def __init__(self):
self.varA = 1
self.varB = 2
self.varC = None
def definitionA(self):
def definitionB(self, userName):
if self.varC==None:
print ('Hi '+ userName + ', thanks for visiting.')
print ('varC is equal to '+str(self.varC))
# creates instance of this class
cn = className()
# GUI ##############################
# srinikom.github.io/pyside-docs/
from PySide2 import QtGui
from PySide2 import QtWidgets
from functools import partial
import maya.OpenMayaUI as mui
import shiboken2
def getMayaWindow():
pointer = mui.MQtUtil.mainWindow()
return shiboken2.wrapInstance(long(pointer), QtWidgets.QWidget)
# def className_U1():
objectName = 'pyMyWin'
# check for existing window
if cmds.window("pyMyWin", exists=True):
cmds.deleteUI("pyMyWin", wnd=True)
# create a window
parent = getMayaWindow()
window = QtWidgets.QMainWindow(parent)
# create font
font = QtGui.QFont()
# create a widget
widget = QtWidgets.QWidget()
# create a layout
layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(widget) # horizontal QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
# create buttons
# imagePath = cmds/internalVar(upd=True)+'icons/blue_field_background.png'
# button.setStylesheet("background-image: url("+1magePath+"); border:solid
black 1px;color.rgb(0,0,0)")
# A+B button
button = QtWidgets.QPushButton("A + B")
button.setMinimumSize(200, 40)
button.setMaximumSize(200, 40)
button.setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(128,128,128); color:
#C button
button = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Print C")
button.setMinimumSize(200, 40)
button.setMaximumSize(200, 40)
button.setStyleSheet("background-color: rgb(128,128,128); color:
# create close button
closeButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Close')
# show the window

As I ran Maya from a terminal, I’ve managed to get the following info from
it (this is from the moment of running Maya)

objc[2591]: Class RunLoopModeTracker is implemented in both
(0x10a4eef38) and
(0x12e41d010). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.

objc[2591]: Class NotificationReceiver is implemented in both
(0x10aad79b8) and
(0x12d45a238). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.

*** Recognized (0x69) family*** (30 cols X 22 rows)

Initialized VP2.0 renderer {

Version : 2016.11.40.12. Feature Level 5.

Adapter : AMD Radeon Pro 560 OpenGL Engine

Vendor ID: 4098. Device ID : 0x67EF

Driver : 4.1 ATI-1.68.20.

API : OpenGL V.4.1.

Max texture size : 16384 * 16384.

Max tex coords : 32

Shader versions supported (Vertex: 5, Geometry: 5, Pixel 5).

Shader compiler profile : (Best card profile)

Active stereo support available : 0

GPU Memory Limit : 4096 MB.

CPU Memory Limit: 15564.8 MB.


OpenCL evaluator is attempting to initialize OpenCL.

Detected 1 OpenCL Platforms:

0: Apple. Apple. OpenCL 1.2 (May 24 2018 20:07:03).

Supported extensions: cl_APPLE_SetMemObjectDestructor
cl_APPLE_ContextLoggingFunctions cl_APPLE_clut cl_APPLE_query_kernel_names
cl_APPLE_gl_sharing cl_khr_gl_event

OpenCL evaluator choosing OpenCL platform Apple.


Choosing OpenCL Device AMD Radeon Pro 560 Compute Engine. Device Type:
GPU Device is available.

Launching SSO process with command line: /Library/Application
Support/Autodesk/AdSSO/AdSSO-v2.app/Contents/MacOS/AdSSO-v2 --process_name
Autodesk.SSO.DefaultProcess-v2 --server_name Autodesk.SSO.DefaultServer-v2

QWidget: Must construct a QApplication before a QWidget

Stack trace:

4 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007fff7f971b66 __pthread_kill
+ 10

5 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fff7f8cd1ae abort + 127

6 QtCore 0x000000012df5af29
QMessageLogger::debug(char const*, ...) const + 361

7 QtCore 0x000000012df5c8a0
QMessageLogger::fatal(char const*, ...) const + 224

8 QtWidgets 0x000000012d012d2b
QWidgetPrivate::QWidgetPrivate(int) + 587

9 QtWidgets 0x000000012d147d6e
QMainWindow::QMainWindow(QWidget*, QFlags<Qt::WindowType>) + 46

10 QtWidgets.so 0x000000012c8be54c
Sbk_QMainWindow_Init(_object*, _object*, _object*) + 668

11 Python 0x000000010f477ea5 type_call + 245

12 Python 0x000000010f40e442 PyObject_Call
+ 98

13 Python 0x000000010f4c1c73
PyEval_EvalFrameEx + 10259

14 Python 0x000000010f4c9ff3
PyEval_EvalCodeEx + 2131

15 Python 0x000000010f4ca116
PyEval_EvalCode + 54

16 libCommandEngine.dylib 0x0000000101dcf410
TpythonInterpreter::executeCommand(Tstring const&, bool, bool,
TinterpreterResult*) + 784

17 libExtensionLayer.dylib 0x0000000102ac79c0
QmayaCommandScrollField::createMimeDataFromSelection() const + 1168

18 libExtensionLayer.dylib 0x0000000102a67832
TidleAction::preDoIdleAction(Tevent const&) + 18

19 libExtensionLayer.dylib 0x0000000102a67757
TidleDeviceHandlerAction::serverDeleted(TclientServer*, TserverMsg const&)
+ 343

20 libExtensionLayer.dylib 0x0000000102a7a363
TeventHandler::doIdles() + 675

21 libExtensionLayer.dylib 0x0000000102a79fdc
TidleTrigger::removeClientHook(Tclient*, Tmetaclass*) + 4092

22 libQt5Core.5.dylib 0x000000010a1d55a0
QObject::event(QEvent*) + 48

23 libExtensionLayer.dylib 0x0000000102a79f1f
TidleTrigger::removeClientHook(Tclient*, Tmetaclass*) + 3903

24 libQt5Widgets.5.dylib 0x000000010a5b4c56
QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject*, QEvent*) + 294

25 libQt5Widgets.5.dylib 0x000000010a5b81ce
QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) + 8558

26 libExtensionLayer.dylib 0x0000000102a6fa2a
QmayaApplication::currentMousePos() + 4218

27 libQt5Core.5.dylib 0x000000010a1a8c07
QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2(QObject*, QEvent*) + 167

28 libQt5Core.5.dylib 0x000000010a200ab1
QTimerInfoList::activateTimers() + 1329

29 libqcocoa.dylib 0x00000001235b7e82
QCocoaEventDispatcherPrivate::activateTimersSourceCallback(void*) + 18

30 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff579fea11

31 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff57ab842c
__CFRunLoopDoSource0 + 108

32 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff579e1470
__CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 208

33 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff579e08ed __CFRunLoopRun
+ 1293

34 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff579e0153
CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 483

35 HIToolbox 0x00007fff56ccad96
RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 286

36 HIToolbox 0x00007fff56ccab06
ReceiveNextEventCommon + 613

37 HIToolbox 0x00007fff56cca884
_BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 64

38 AppKit 0x00007fff54f7ba73 _DPSNextEvent
+ 2085

39 AppKit 0x00007fff55711e34
_nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 3044

40 AppKit 0x00007fff54f70885
-[NSApplication run] + 764

41 libqcocoa.dylib 0x00000001235b8aad
+ 2205

42 libQt5Core.5.dylib 0x000000010a1a4f31
QEventLoop::exec(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) + 401

43 libQt5Core.5.dylib 0x000000010a1a92ea
QCoreApplication::exec() + 346

Fatal Error. Attempting to save in
crash report in
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Python Programming for Autodesk Maya" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to python_inside_maya+***@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/python_inside_maya/CACsi_51r%3DYSzYM2WxfujE_vD4MHNGbLgKNNZ9050AqjT28%2BHuA%40mail.gmail.com.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.
Justin Israel
2018-09-01 23:22:47 UTC
Post by James Porter
Hey guys,
I’m running the latest Maya 2018 on MacOS.
I can import PySide2 it’s libraries without any hassle. However, whenever
I attempt to load a basic gui (like the code below), Maya freezes and
crashes. Anyone else experienced this? Anyone know how to fix it?
Basic code (I took this from
import maya.cmds as cmds
import maya.mel as mel
import pymel.core as pm
self.varA = 1
self.varB = 2
self.varC = None
print ('Hi '+ userName + ', thanks for visiting.')
print ('varC is equal to '+str(self.varC))
# creates instance of this class
cn = className()
# GUI ##############################
# srinikom.github.io/pyside-docs/
from PySide2 import QtGui
from PySide2 import QtWidgets
from functools import partial
import maya.OpenMayaUI as mui
import shiboken2
pointer = mui.MQtUtil.mainWindow()
return shiboken2.wrapInstance(long(pointer), QtWidgets.QWidget)
objectName = 'pyMyWin'
# check for existing window
cmds.deleteUI("pyMyWin", wnd=True)
# create a window
parent = getMayaWindow()
window = QtWidgets.QMainWindow(parent)
# create font
font = QtGui.QFont()
# create a widget
widget = QtWidgets.QWidget()
# create a layout
layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(widget) # horizontal QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
# create buttons
# imagePath = cmds/internalVar(upd=True)+'icons/blue_field_background.png'
# button.setStylesheet("background-image: url("+1magePath+"); border:solid
black 1px;color.rgb(0,0,0)")
# A+B button
button = QtWidgets.QPushButton("A + B")
button.setMinimumSize(200, 40)
button.setMaximumSize(200, 40)
#C button
button = QtWidgets.QPushButton("Print C")
button.setMinimumSize(200, 40)
button.setMaximumSize(200, 40)
# create close button
closeButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Close')
# show the window
As I ran Maya from a terminal, I’ve managed to get the following info from
it (this is from the moment of running Maya)
objc[2591]: Class RunLoopModeTracker is implemented in both
(0x10a4eef38) and
(0x12e41d010). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
objc[2591]: Class NotificationReceiver is implemented in both
(0x10aad79b8) and
(0x12d45a238). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
*** Recognized (0x69) family*** (30 cols X 22 rows)
Initialized VP2.0 renderer {
Version : 2016.11.40.12. Feature Level 5.
Adapter : AMD Radeon Pro 560 OpenGL Engine
Vendor ID: 4098. Device ID : 0x67EF
Driver : 4.1 ATI-1.68.20.
API : OpenGL V.4.1.
Max texture size : 16384 * 16384.
Max tex coords : 32
Shader versions supported (Vertex: 5, Geometry: 5, Pixel 5).
Shader compiler profile : (Best card profile)
Active stereo support available : 0
GPU Memory Limit : 4096 MB.
CPU Memory Limit: 15564.8 MB.
OpenCL evaluator is attempting to initialize OpenCL.
0: Apple. Apple. OpenCL 1.2 (May 24 2018 20:07:03).
Supported extensions: cl_APPLE_SetMemObjectDestructor
cl_APPLE_ContextLoggingFunctions cl_APPLE_clut cl_APPLE_query_kernel_names
cl_APPLE_gl_sharing cl_khr_gl_event
OpenCL evaluator choosing OpenCL platform Apple.
GPU Device is available.
Launching SSO process with command line: /Library/Application
Support/Autodesk/AdSSO/AdSSO-v2.app/Contents/MacOS/AdSSO-v2 --process_name
Autodesk.SSO.DefaultProcess-v2 --server_name Autodesk.SSO.DefaultServer-v2
QWidget: Must construct a QApplication before a QWidget
4 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00007fff7f971b66
__pthread_kill + 10
5 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fff7f8cd1ae abort + 127
6 QtCore 0x000000012df5af29
QMessageLogger::debug(char const*, ...) const + 361
7 QtCore 0x000000012df5c8a0
QMessageLogger::fatal(char const*, ...) const + 224
8 QtWidgets 0x000000012d012d2b
QWidgetPrivate::QWidgetPrivate(int) + 587
9 QtWidgets 0x000000012d147d6e
QMainWindow::QMainWindow(QWidget*, QFlags<Qt::WindowType>) + 46
10 QtWidgets.so 0x000000012c8be54c
Sbk_QMainWindow_Init(_object*, _object*, _object*) + 668
11 Python 0x000000010f477ea5 type_call + 245
12 Python 0x000000010f40e442 PyObject_Call
+ 98
13 Python 0x000000010f4c1c73
PyEval_EvalFrameEx + 10259
14 Python 0x000000010f4c9ff3
PyEval_EvalCodeEx + 2131
15 Python 0x000000010f4ca116
PyEval_EvalCode + 54
16 libCommandEngine.dylib 0x0000000101dcf410
TpythonInterpreter::executeCommand(Tstring const&, bool, bool,
TinterpreterResult*) + 784
17 libExtensionLayer.dylib 0x0000000102ac79c0
QmayaCommandScrollField::createMimeDataFromSelection() const + 1168
18 libExtensionLayer.dylib 0x0000000102a67832
TidleAction::preDoIdleAction(Tevent const&) + 18
19 libExtensionLayer.dylib 0x0000000102a67757
TidleDeviceHandlerAction::serverDeleted(TclientServer*, TserverMsg const&)
+ 343
20 libExtensionLayer.dylib 0x0000000102a7a363
TeventHandler::doIdles() + 675
21 libExtensionLayer.dylib 0x0000000102a79fdc
TidleTrigger::removeClientHook(Tclient*, Tmetaclass*) + 4092
22 libQt5Core.5.dylib 0x000000010a1d55a0
QObject::event(QEvent*) + 48
23 libExtensionLayer.dylib 0x0000000102a79f1f
TidleTrigger::removeClientHook(Tclient*, Tmetaclass*) + 3903
24 libQt5Widgets.5.dylib 0x000000010a5b4c56
QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject*, QEvent*) + 294
25 libQt5Widgets.5.dylib 0x000000010a5b81ce
QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) + 8558
26 libExtensionLayer.dylib 0x0000000102a6fa2a
QmayaApplication::currentMousePos() + 4218
27 libQt5Core.5.dylib 0x000000010a1a8c07
QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2(QObject*, QEvent*) + 167
28 libQt5Core.5.dylib 0x000000010a200ab1
QTimerInfoList::activateTimers() + 1329
29 libqcocoa.dylib 0x00000001235b7e82
QCocoaEventDispatcherPrivate::activateTimersSourceCallback(void*) + 18
30 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff579fea11
31 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff57ab842c
__CFRunLoopDoSource0 + 108
32 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff579e1470
__CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 208
33 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff579e08ed
__CFRunLoopRun + 1293
34 CoreFoundation 0x00007fff579e0153
CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 483
35 HIToolbox 0x00007fff56ccad96
RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 286
36 HIToolbox 0x00007fff56ccab06
ReceiveNextEventCommon + 613
37 HIToolbox 0x00007fff56cca884
_BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 64
38 AppKit 0x00007fff54f7ba73 _DPSNextEvent
+ 2085
39 AppKit 0x00007fff55711e34
_nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 3044
40 AppKit 0x00007fff54f70885
-[NSApplication run] + 764
41 libqcocoa.dylib 0x00000001235b8aad
+ 2205
42 libQt5Core.5.dylib 0x000000010a1a4f31
QEventLoop::exec(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) + 401
43 libQt5Core.5.dylib 0x000000010a1a92ea
QCoreApplication::exec() + 346
Fatal Error. Attempting to save in
crash report in
This crash is expected if you are running that example code from a
terminal. Qt applications always need a QApplication instance to be created
first, and to then exec it to start the event loop. When you are inside the
Maya UI there is already an instance of QApplication running so you don't
have to do it yourself. So that bring said, have you tested this code from
the Maya Script Editor?

In this terminal output, you can also see that it is warning you that it is
picking up your system PySide2, causing it to load two versions of Qt5.
This is also a potential for crashing once you get beyond the problem of
not having created a QApplication in the terminal. You have to make sure
you pick up Maya's PySide2 first.
Post by James Porter
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"Python Programming for Autodesk Maya" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
To view this discussion on the web visit
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Python Programming for Autodesk Maya" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to python_inside_maya+***@googlegroups.com.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/python_inside_maya/CAPGFgA3ct5RP7%2BY_5LBHU5%2B%2BOzq1xMpDGX2%3D2BCHbm1gTebYrQ%40mail.gmail.com.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.